Thursday, June 11, 2009

Life with Gary

Life with Gary has never really been easy. I try to remember back to the early years-when we were dating- but they are difficult to remember. Too long ago- too much has happened since then to be able to view them in a good light. Ihave hit my breaking point.. but most likely will not act on it just yet. With my youngest in pre-school-- the costs of being a single parent right now would be too much... daycare + pre-school + Am daycare for my older two... I want to keep the house.. and with all that other stuff I wouldn't be able to do it on a teacher's salary.

Yes- I want the house. my beat up, needs alot of work house. Because it it where my kids have grown up- it is where I envisioned them growing up when I brought it and if EVERYTHING else about their lives are going to be turned upside down-- we are not moving. (no move, no new schools) I will work 2 jobs if needed- but a divorce, dad not living here anymore, mom going back to work and going to daycare before school will be enough changes for my kids- i will not add to their difficulties.

I am going to try to keep up the charade of a marriage-- until the youngest is in school full-time... about 18 more months. Then I intend to do what I want to do right now.... Kick that lying, cheating, gambler out of MY HOUSE!!

The last straw came last week

The straw- actually has a name- maria.
She and my husband have been friends for a few years. They used to work together. Her husband lost his job about the same time my husband was fired from his-- so they had this "common bond". But I have good reason to believe that this "friendship" has been MORE than a friendship for quite some time now. And after all the trust issues I have dealt with over the years with Gary's gambling- I just can not take anymore lies. Lies are only the beginning....


I can not take it anymore! The lying and the deception- it is the beginning of the end.